Trump National Bedminster, NJ Cottage and Pool
Real Estate Development
Our Development efforts of the last 20 years have provided some of the most exclusive estate homes and golf course amenities in the greater New York area as well as around the country. We have been responsible for the acquisition, planning and development of hundreds of acres while utilizing unique planning solutions aimed at reducing density, open space preservation and watershed conservation. Our efforts as a leader in the development field has brought us such prestigious projects as the Lamington Farms project formerly known as the Delorean Estate now known as Trump National Golf and Country Club situated on 550 acres in Bedminster, NJ with a golf course designed by Tom Fazio and our design and oversight of the clubhouse and common area amentities including the Guest Cottage/Pool complex.
Our developement of the project precipitated a partnership and sale to Donald Trump and the Trump Organization which ultimately led to the reduction of development and land preservation. Downs remains as a founding equity member of the club and acknowledges the partnership and ultimate sale to Donald Trump as "One of the best experiences" in our 30 year history!

Trump National Opening Day, Jim Downs & Donald Trump
Other projects such as Charolais Farms in Mendham, NJ provides for 100 acres of prime estate development and land preservation previously slated for mass development has set the record for the most exclusive but environmentaly responsible "Green" homesites in the country.